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Leadership Fayette Class of 2023 Kicks Off Ambitious Program

Leadership Fayette celebrated the start of their 2023 Class Sessions with a social dinner and mixer on Friday, January 6th. Class participants and past alumni socialized over an elegant meal at Fair Oaks Golf Course, followed by fun and games intended to get everyone acquainted with each other. The class reconvened the following morning for a full day orientation at UT Martin Somerville Center. The jam packed agenda included presentation from leadership experts and board members as well as engaging sessions designed to set the stage for the coming year. This 21st class promises to be one of the best ever, with a diverse cross-section of participants from across Fayette County. These class members will complete a group service project as well as participate in an array of on-site sessions designed to further enrich their knowledge of all things Fayette County. Sessions include topics on local economics, agriculture, charitable organizations, education, and much more. When participants graduate the program in June, they will join the already lengthy list of more than 350 alumni. For more information on applying for a future class, visit us on



Marble Surface

"You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him."
– Malcolm S. Forbes

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