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LF Alumni Spotlight: Lynn Palmer LF class of 2013

1. What was your motivation to attend Leadership Fayette? I was recommended by my friends Jim and Linda Larkin, who are major supporters of Fayette County and Oakland. (They’ve been known as the yearly volunteers). As they advised, LF provided an insight to so many areas of Fayette County that the average citizen may not know about. They were soooo right.

2. What have you personally gotten out of your involvement in Leadership Fayette?

Learning about what individual Fayette County Leadership members are seeking to attain for the county and its citizens. In addition, i've met and continue to stay involved with other members who continually strive for county improvements.

3. How did attending Leadership Fayette influence you as a leader?

I have frequently been told in my career and life that I am a leader. I really see myself more as a doer, but I do like to rally the troops to get things done. Attending Fayette Leadership identified that leaders are not always appointed or in positions of authority. Those with wisdom, caring and outreach can be successful leaders, too.

4. Would you encourage others to get involved with Leadership Fayette? Why? I highly encourage others interested in participating to participate in LF. The breadth of information that is provided, and insight on where and how you, as an individual, can step up and/or in to be part of the solution for a great county and community.

5. What positive impact are you planning on having on Fayette County as a result of attending Leadership Fayette? Anything I attempt or get involved in, I give my best to the effort. I’m a driver for making things happen, which tends to overload me in trying to do too much. I have a lot of interests, and if I see something that I feel I can provide positive input on, I step up. I, as many do, have focus on God, family and friends. I keep supportive in areas such as Fayette Cares and Carl Perkins. My biggest eye-opener was to assist with LAP (Lethality Assessment Program), which provides that first step to an individual who is in a domestic abuse situation. Mostly, I’m an extra set of hands, but I’m a firm believer in education to not put a band aid on the victims, but move them, and those who abuse them, to a enlightened perspective of their worth. Same with animals….as everyone notes (see picture), I love animals, and feel strongly if we don’t take care of creatures, how can we care for people?

6. How did attending Leadership Fayette prepare you for your current and/or next career?

I was nearing retirement from FedEx after a successful 32 year career there. Fayette Leadership enriched me to try new venues, which I did, by undertaking a part-time career as a Veterinary Assistant. After a few years of that, which I loved every minute, I realized my aching bones couldn’t manage the strain of lifting 60 pound animals. So my new career choice is to be an ongoing volunteer for Fayette County, in whatever capacity I can.

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